
3576280631069  | EN in English

2 cassolettes

code-barre Code-barre: 3576280631069
Données au: 25/04/2020
Sources: Open Food Facts
Poids ou Contenance: indéterminé
Nutri-score: indéterminé
Score nutritionnel sur 100
Analyse nutritionnelle : éléments positifs
Analyse nutritionnelle : éléments négatifs
Tableau nutritionnel pour 100
Élément Quantité Impact Score
Énergie (kcal) 125 - B
Matières grasses 8,10  
     dont saturés 5,50 - D
     hors saturés 2,60 + C
Glucides 6,70  
     dont sucres 3,00 - C
     hors sucres 3,70 + C
Fibres 0,00 + B
Protéines 5,80 + C
Sel 0,67 - C
2 Cassolettes filledwith scallops* and chopped chanterelle mushrooms - Deep frozen *ChlamysZygopatagonica, Araentinian origin (A), Chlamys opercularis, UK (B) or Farce Islands origin Argopecten purpuratu$ Peruvian origin (D), (E) orFaroe Islands (F) or Islandian origin see letter(s) next to batch number. onions, white wine 6'lSf(cOoPntains May contain traces of fish and crustacean. Information in boldprintis intended forpeople With food allergies or intolerances.. Although every care has been taken to prepare the scallops, pieces of shell may remain« COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: ln a standard oven: cook from frozen. Preheat vour oven to 2000C (gas mark 7) for 10 to 15 minutes Remove the plasticsleeve andwedge. middle of the oven and cook for around 20 minutes at 2000C (gas mark 7), depending on the power of your oven, Leave to standbefore serving. For best results, follow these recommendations. Do not cook in a microwave oven. Other information - see the side of the pack.