
5055936841390  | EN in English

Cocopure, Kokosöl

code-barre Code-barre: 5055936841390
Données au: 22/07/2020
Sources: Open Food Facts
Poids ou Contenance: indéterminé
Nutri-score: indéterminé
Score nutritionnel sur 100
Analyse nutritionnelle : éléments positifs
Analyse nutritionnelle : éléments négatifs
Tableau nutritionnel pour 100
Élément Quantité Impact Score
Énergie (kcal) 883 - E
Matières grasses 100,00  
     dont saturés 87,00 - E
     hors saturés 13,00 + B
Glucides 0,00  
     dont sucres 0,00 - A
     hors sucres 0,00 + D
Fibres 0,00 + B
Protéines 0,00 + E
Sel 0,05 - B
coconut oil. Each tub contains approximatety30 used in CoconpureTM are carefullly harvested from : sh:edded and left to dry in the Sri Lankan sun, The fresh coconut purified before being packed into this very tub! USE: Coconut oil is heat stable so it can be used as a direct sb. also be used as a raw ingredient for sports drinks or as cn INFORMATION: Store in a cool, dry direct sunlight. This product is be used alongside an active lifestyle :ced diet. Suitable for vegetarians and untry of originsri Lanka.