
4031829251805  | FR en Français

Wok Gemüse Pfanne

code-barre Barcode: 4031829251805
Data as of: 14/06/2019
Sources: Open Food Facts
Weight: 450 g
nutri-score C
Nutritional score on 100
Nutritional analysis : good elements
Nutritional analysis : bad elements
Nutrition facts table per 100 g
Element Amount Impact Score
Energy (kcal) 81 - B
Fat 5,00  
     of which saturates 1,50 - C
     excluding saturates 3,50 + C
Carbohydrate 6,60  
     of which sugars 5,00 - C
     excluding sugars 1,60 + D
Fibre 2,20 + A
Protein 1,50 + D
Salt 0,86 - D
88% Gemüse * (Gemüsepaprika *, Weisskohl *, Karotten *, Porree *, Zwiebeln *, Mungobohnenkeime *), Palmfett *, Sonnenblumenöhl *, 2% Sojasauce * (Wasser, sojabohnen *, Weizen *, Meersalz), 2% kandierter Ingwer * (Ingwer *, Wasser, Zucker *), Roh-rohrzucker *, Speisesalz, Gewürze * (Curcuma *, Koriander *, Paprika *, Cayennepfeffer *), Reismehl *, Pastinaken *, olivenöl *. * aus ökologischer Erzeugung