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Les 2 022 produits alimentaires de la marque Tesco

Désignation du produit Score nutritionnel
Grape seed oil 54
Grapes & strawberries 74
Grated Cheddar 36
Grated Grana Padano 41
Grated Pecorino 36
Gravy 71
Gravy granules 71
Gravy granules 70
Gravy Granules For Chicken 200G 71
Greek Style Honey 63
Greek Style Natural Yogurt 61
Greek style yoghurt 61
Greek style yogurt 62
Greek Style Yogurt 65
Green escape smoothie 69
Green Olives with Herbs 62
Green pesto 56
Green Thai Curry Paste 62
Grissini rubata 54
Ground almonds 58
Gruesome gooey cupcakes 40
Gruyère 42
Hake fillet 74
Halkdiki olives with slow roasted tomatoes 51
Halloumi TESCO 30% less fat 44
Ham & Mushroom Tagliatelle 86
Ham hock & cheddar crispbakes 73
Ham mashroom and mascarpone wood fired pizza 63
Ham salad 78
Ham Salad sandwich 81
Hand wrapped 49
Harina de Avena (S. Chocolate) 77
Harina integral de espelta ecológica 83
Hash Browns 66
Hash browns 88
Hazelnut 66
Hazelnut Brownie Bites 33
Hazelnut Chocolate Spread 31
Hazelnuts 55
Hazelnuts 64
Healthy Living Crème Fraîche 55
Hearty Food Co. - Sweet & Sour Chicken with rice 71
Heritage grain farmhouse bread 70
High juice apple mango 71
High protein granola 64
High Protein Instant Oats: Apple & Cinnamon 72
High protein noodles 82
Hoisin stir fry sauce 62
Honey and Almond Granola 64